Electrifying Announcements of a Mechanical Publication

More Coin-Op Carnival Buzz

In case you missed it, folks are talkin’. :-)

The Drop Target Zine (Alec Longstreth and Jon Chad) had some awfully nice things to say. We’re currently on the front page of their website, but here’s a perma-link: http://droptargetzine.blogspot.com/2019/03/coin-op-carnival-1.html

Then, we chatted with the Dungeon Master himself, James Willing, near the beginning of the 109th episode of the Spooky Pinball Podcast…er…Bug-cast. This episode also features a CHANCE TO WIN A FREE ISSUE!!! …and stick around because Nick gets a solo interview with Charlie and Bug about his masterfully produced Multi-Bingo:


Also, Martin Ayub and Jonathan Joosten of the Pinball News/Pinball Magazine podcast mention Coin-Op Carnival on their most recent ‘cast (around the 58 minute mark):


AND ALSO, comics industry writer, Justin Giampaoli, reviews the first issue of Coin-Op Carnival over here: http://www.yourchickenenemy.com/2019/04/pinball-panoply-justin-giampaoli.html

Finally, while we won’t be exhibiting at the upcoming Midwest Gaming Classic, we shipped a copy of Coin-Op Carnival #1 their way. That will be available as part of their charity auction. Here’s hoping it goes for way more than cover price.

Thanks for the continued support, everyone!

Coin-Op Carnival Abrams Planetarium Tour Stop

(Next) Sunday SUNDAY SUNday!!!

April 14th, 2019 marks the second Coin-Op Carnival tour stop. This time it’ll be in East Lansing at the Michigan State University Abrams Planetarium starting at 6PM, and admission is FREE!

Seating is limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis, so arrive early.

“An odd place for a lecture about pinball history,” I hear you say. Except for the fact that in addition to a presentation by Ryan and a book signing to follow, there will also be the first ever public showing of a 360 degree video of Wayne Neyens (the most prolific pinball designer of all time and featured interviewee in Coin-Op Carnival #1):

...as well as a number of Wayne Neyens designed pinball machines available for free play during the post-presentation book signing.

There’s also Facebook event for this tour stop:


Hope to see you there!

2019 Texas Pinball Festival Wrap-Up

Wow!!! What a whirlwind weekend and an extremely warm welcome from the pinball community at the 2019 Texas Pinball Festival for the launch of our Coin-Op Carnival series.

Here’s our booth:

…and a closer look at our table:

We conducted a seminar on Friday night…

…with special guest and noted pinball historian, Gordon Hasse:

Photo credit: Martin Ayub of Pinball News

…who introduced us with a historical overview of pinball publications that have come before Coin-Op Carnival:

Photo credit: Martin Ayub of Pinball News

The Texas Pinball Festival was liveStreaming the seminars, which have now been archived here (fast forward this clip to the 09:30 mark for the start of our presentation):


And here’s a quick post-seminar photo op:

We had a lot of great reactions to the publication over the weekend, including this one from Pinside.com Founder, Robin van Mourik:

Nick also brought his wonder of modern/retro mash-up technology, the Multi-Bingo machine.

The Multi-Bingo is a machine with an original physical playfield and a dynamic LCD backbox and score/instruction cards which was meticulously programmed over the past three years to play every single production bingo pinball machine (142) in one cabinet. Nick was offering bingo pinball tutorials in our booth all weekend long to a healthy line-up of interested players:

At the tail end of the weekend, we attended the standing-room-only awards presentation:

Where Nick’s Multi-Bingo earned the top spot for custom game of the 2019 Texas Pinball Festival!

Hard to think of a better end to a fantastic weekend.

It’s hard to put into words what all this means to us, but suffice it to say, we’re taken-aback and humbled by the response to all of our efforts. So…thank you…to everyone we chatted with in Texas and everyone who will be keeping Nick busy with a mountain of mail order to fulfill thanks to YOU!!!

Many more thanks,
Nick and Ryan

Coin-Op Carnival Grand Reveal Seminar to be Livestreamed

For anyone unable to attend the 2019 Texas Pinball Festival, it looks like they will be livestreaming the seminars:

Tune in at 8PM CDT this Friday, March 22, 2019 to catch our Coin-Op Carnival presentation.

New Book Release This Weekend!

Welp, the grand reveal is just around the corner!

Bags are packed with books, pins, postcards, shirts, stickers, original artwork, retractable banners and more, all in preparation for our new book release, at the Texas Pinball Festival this coming weekend!

March 22nd, 2019 marks the release date of Coin-Op Carnival #1, the new series we’ll be working on for the next few years. This will be a four issue limited series with subsequent issues released roughly every other year.

You can pick-up your copy in person this weekend at the Texas Pinball Festival or online here at the Coin-Op Carnival webstore.

We’ve been working on this current book for more than two years now and cannot wait to share it with you!

Nick & Ryan

Coin-Op Carnival #1 Ready for Texas Pinball Festival Debut!

This week, a freight truck dropped off the shipment of our newly minted publication, Coin-Op Carnival.

The first issues moved from truck...

...to garage...

...to mudroom...

...and eventually into heated basement storage, but not before a box was cracked open and the glorious smell of offset printing, sweat, and tears wafted out of the box.

The following day the book had it's first photography session...

...and the official glamour shot can now be released:

The book will officially debut at the 2019 Texas Pinball Festival (TPF) during the weekend of March 22-24, 2019. Nick and Ryan will host a TPF seminar on Friday, March 22nd at 8pm with special guest and pinball historian, Gordon Hasse. Ryan and Nick will outline their process for creating their inaugural issue, the national tour to follow, and what readers can expect after this first issue.

That same weekend the Coin-Op Carnival web-shop will go live and we'll begin accepting and shipping internet orders.

We appreciate your interest and enthusiasm for our new project. We can't wait to share it with you at TPF and beyond.

Ryan and Nick